One of the significantly predicted films of the year is Atlee directorial Bigil. The games show will see Thalapathy Vijay in twofold image. The advancements of the film have quite recently made huge exposure and enthusiasm among fans. However, in case there is one piece of the film that has left all the Thalapathy fans in a state of fever is that reality that he will in like manner be advancing his voice to a tune title Verithanam. Moreover, the song is shaped by AR Rahman, the astounding on numerous occasions Academy Award winning music arranger.

As far back as Vijay and AR Rahman's joint exertion as a craftsman and music author was pronounced, fans have been keeping it together for the tune energetically. Ultimately, the makers revealed the release date of the tune and nearby the release date, a riddle video was furthermore dropped to push the fans further. The inspiring news for every single inconceivable fan is that the tune Verithanam will be release today September 1 at 6 pm.

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